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Title:《长江夏季孤岛 Summer Islet of the Yangtze River》 No.A00579
Title:《天文之窗 The window of astronomy》 No.A00584
Title:《看不懂的人生 Don‘t understand the life》 No.A00834
Title:《广富林夜色 Guangfulin night》 No.A00585
Title:《初冬的美人坡 Beauty slope in early winter 2》 No.A00586
Title:《融》 No.A00871
Title:《泰山 戏曲》 No.A00587
Title:《孔雀嬉戏》 No.A00588
Title:《飞天》 No.A00589
Title:《梦里老家》 No.A00590
Title:《In the green》 No.A00591
Title:《Natural colours》 No.A00600
Title:《A boat of colours》 No.A00592
Title:《Psychedelic colours》 No.A00593
Title:《Gosha》 No.A00601
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