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Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《城织》 No.A00039
Title:《blues expectations》 No.A00831
Title:《滩涂-潮汐树2 Intertidal zone -tidal tree 2》 No.A00738
Title:《梦想成真 Dreams come true》 No.A00248
Title:《荷塘》 No.A00879
Title:《Back to Dance - Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre 》 No.A00693
Title:《云蒸霞蔚 Rosy clouds are rising》 No.A00428
Title:《Road to happiness》 No.A00699
Title:《云海日出》 No.A00477
Title:《《晨号》》 No.A00187
Title:《黑城遗韵》 No.A00631
Title:《丝路遗韵》 No.A00087
Title:《高原坦途 Thoroughfare on the plateau》 No.A00709
Title:《制酱 Soy sauce making》 No.A00735
Title:《捣练新传 New Court Ladies Painting》 No.A00304
Title:《对决 Competition》 No.A00315
Title:《神山央迈勇 Holy Mountain Yangmaiyong》 No.A00562
Title:《草原晨雾 Morning fog on the grassland》 No.A00535

Monochrome Section

Title:《舞台上的对决 The Battle on the Stage》 No.B00518
Title:《Clouds surge in the Tianchi Lake》 No.B00216
Title:《惊险高跷》 No.B00242
Title:《乌镇的桥 Wuzhen Bridge》 No.B00336
Title:《山乡晨韵 Morning in mountain village》 No.B00172
Title:《space travel》 No.B00501
Title:《农家屋墙边的幸福感 Happiness near the wall》 No.B00252
Title:《Summer harvest》 No.B00381
Title:《融 Blend》 No.B00386
Title:《慈悲之心放生 Heart of Mercy-Free》 No.B00168
Title:《Sewing and mending》 No.B00436
Title:《乡愁·回乡偶遇 Nostalgia》 No.B00315
Title:《Concrete》 No.B00284
Title:《Our rush》 No.B00356
Title:《传统小工艺》 No.B00448
Title:《幸福路上 On the road to happiness》 No.B00195
Title:《俄亚大寨 (2)》 No.B00105
Title:《Steamed buns are fragrant》 No.B00410

Exhibition Review