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Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《穿越千年 Through Thousand Years》 No.A00316
Title:《Earth Art》 No.A00673
Title:《天涯之旅 The Journey to the Horizon》 No.A00410
Title:《Psychedelic colours》 No.A00593
Title:《Chocolate autumn》 No.A00603
Title:《陇上椒丰收曲 Pepper Harvest in Longshang 》 No.A00597
Title:《草原牧家 Grassland nomads》 No.A00253
Title:《民族团结共欢舞 Dancing of Unity》 No.A00420
Title:《势均力敌Rival》 No.A00453
Title:《龙的故乡 The Hometown of Dragon》 No.A00528
Title:《泰山 戏曲》 No.A00587
Title:《白沙湖新风貌 Xinjiang Baisha Lake》 No.A00184
Title:《wind power station》 No.A00181
Title:《流淌着的运河民俗 Folk activities over the canal》 No.A00788
Title:《金秋坝上行 Strolling on Golden Bashang》 No.A00564
Title:《画意叠影 mood of a painting ghost image》 No.A00611
Title:《有无相生》 No.A00057
Title:《青花丽人》 No.A00615

Monochrome Section

Title:《Leaving》 No.B00461
Title:《夜色中 Dim Night》 No.B00179
Title:《胡杨女神》 No.B00372
Title:《开心时刻 Happy moment》 No.B00251
Title:《傲立穹苍 Soar to the sky》 No.B00227
Title:《石韵人生》 No.B00363
Title:《龙飞》 No.B00282
Title:《奔马》 No.B00095
Title:《热气腾腾》 No.B00085
Title:《生命时针 The clock of life》 No.B00161
Title:《山脚小城》 No.B00081
Title:《大学士 Grand Secretary》 No.B00472
Title:《陶醉 Enchanted》 No.B00477
Title:《民国少女》 No.B00127
Title:《兴安岭乐园 Xinganling paradise》 No.B00192
Title:《穿越无人之境 Through no man area》 No.B00444
Title:《风走过的路》 No.B00451
Title:《坚固的顶棚 Firm roof structure》 No.B00207

Exhibition Review