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Monochrome Section

Title:《乌镇大剧院 Wuzhen Theater》 No.B00475
Title:《鸭阵 Duck Array》 No.B00297
Title:《棋逢对手 Matched》 No.B00298
Title:《泥塘迪舞 Disco in the muddy fields》 No.B00299
Title:《父爱如山 Paternal love》 No.B00300
Title:《 Procession of the Mysteries, Taranto, Italy》 No.B00504
Title:《梦之花 Dream flowers》 No.B00311
Title:《同光共影 Symmetry》 No.B00301
Title:《黑白相映 Black and white 2》 No.B00302
Title:《月下金山 Golden peaks in the moonlight》 No.B00314
Title:《无问西东 Follow the heart》 No.B00303
Title:《天路回归 Homeward》 No.B00304
Title:《活力潮树 Trees of vigor》 No.B00305
Title:《海涂琼林 Beautiful trees on the beach》 No.B00306
Title:《远方的呼唤 Remote call》 No.B00307
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