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Title:《祈福 Pray for blessings》 No.A00789
Title:《机不可失 Capture the moment》 No.A00807
Title:《狂欢水战龙舟 Dragon Boat Carnival》 No.A00816
Title:《奋力前行 Striving ahead》 No.A00817
Title:《迎娶新娘 Fetching the Bride Home》 No.A00818
Title:《锅耳楼上好风景 Scenery on the Guoer Building》 No.A00790
Title:《琼楼玉宇 Richly Decorated Palace》 No.A00819
Title:《彩色陷阱 Color Traps》 No.A00792
Title:《黑夜中有你作伴 I am not alone at night》 No.A00793
Title:《飞驼奔驰 Dashing camels》 No.A00794
Title:《梅花鹿童话故事 The Fairy Tale of Sika Deer》 No.A00795
Title:《酒花飞溅 Splashing》 No.A00820
Title:《巴盐古道送别情 Farewell in Ancient Salt Road》 No.A00821
Title:《民俗之美 多彩贵州1》 No.A00874
Title:《红拂 Maiden in Red》 No.A00777
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